Last Updated: Oct 17, 2023


Yoga is a centuries-old ancient Indian practice designed to balance mind, body and spirit. Since ancient India’s golden ages it has gained worldwide acclaim due to its myriad physical and mental health benefits. Practiced today it entails physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama) and meditation aimed at increasing flexibility, strengthening core muscle groups such as abdominals while relaxing the mind for inner peace and stress management. No matter if it be your first or tenth try – yoga provides holistic wellbeing that can adapt itself according to each level of fitness and stress management needs – beginner or experienced alike!

Editors’ Choice

  • Yoga has quickly become one of the world’s most beloved forms of physical exercise, practiced by over 300 million individuals worldwide.
  • Yoga industry is worth over $100 billion and projected to double by 2025.
  • United States yoga remains the largest market worldwide with over 30 million Americans currently practicing it.
  • Yoga practitioners tend to be female; however, more men and children have begun practicing it recently.
  • Hatha yoga remains the most widely practiced type, followed by Vinyasa yoga and Iyengar yoga.
  • Most individuals practice yoga for its physical and psychological health benefits.
  • Yoga has many health advantages, from relieving stress to improving flexibility and strengthening muscles and relieving pain.
  • The online yoga market is also growing rapidly, and is expected to reach $2 billion by 2027.

Yoga Market Size

Yoga market is primed for substantial growth, with a projected market worth of USD 234.2 billion by 2032, marking a substantial increase from USD 95.8 billion in 2022, driven by a CAGR of 9.6% during the 2023-2032 forecast period.

Yoga Market Size

Yoga History

Yoga dates back over 5,000  years in ancient India. Yoga first made an appearance in one of the oldest Hindu texts called Rig Veda where its practice for spiritual liberation was first described as part of yoga practice.

Yoga continued its development throughout history, becoming well established by 5th Century BCE as an established system of philosophy and practice. Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras can be considered as its foundational text.

Patanjali identified eight limbs of yoga; these include:

  • Yama (moral restraints)
  • Niyama (observances)
  • Asana (physical postures),
  • Pranayama (breath control)
  • Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses)

Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation), and Samadhi (enlightenment). Yoga continued its spread and development across India until by the 1st century BCE it had started making inroads into China and Japan as well. Arab traders introduced yoga into Europe sometime during this timeframe too.

Yoga first made waves in Western culture during the 19th century thanks in large part to Swami Vivekananda, a Hindu monk who traveled from India to America in 1893 for the Parliament of Religions event and provided lectures about both yoga and Hinduism – further spreading awareness. He gave these talks and promoted it among a larger Western audience, helping yoga become popularized there as well.

Yoga gained in popularity throughout the West during the 20th century and today millions practice various styles. There are now various variations on this ancient discipline with their own specific focus; among these styles can be found:

Hatha yoga: Hatha is an approach to yoga that emphasizes physical postures and breathing exercises for overall physical well-being and to address emotional imbalance.

  • Vinyasa yoga: Vinyasa yoga is a flowing style of yoga which links breath with movement.
  • Iyengar yoga: A precise style of yoga which utilizes props to assist students in attaining proper alignment in postures.
  • Ashtanga Yoga: Ashtanga yoga is an intense style of yoga which follows a set sequence of postures.
  • Bikram Yoga: Bikram yoga is an intense style of hot yoga practiced in an enclosed and heated space.
  • Restorative yoga: Restorative yoga is an easy form of yoga which employs props to support body postures that induce relaxation.

Yoga is an adaptable practice that can accommodate people of various ages, abilities, and fitness levels. Yoga has many health and wellbeing benefits including improved physical and mental wellbeing as well as reduced stress levels. It’s the ideal way to boost overall well-being!

Yoga Benefits

Physical Benefits:

  • Improves flexibility, strength, and balance for improved physical wellbeing.
  • Reduce pain and inflammation
  • Improves cardiovascular health
  • Boosts immunity
  • Promotes better sleep

Mental Benefits

  • Reduced stress and anxiety relief and better overall mental wellbeing.
  • Improves mood and emotional regulation
  • Increase Self-awareness and Mindfulness
  • Enhance cognitive functions to optimize mental performance

Yoga may help improve sleep qualite It has also been demonstrated as effective treatment for various health issues, such as:

Back Pain, Chronic Back Pain, Arthritis, Arthritis-associated Joint Pain (APJP), Heart Disease (HD), High Blood Pressure, Depression Anxiety Asthma Asthma Cancer Menopause symptoms can all increase back pain significantly and need medical treatment – these all can contribute to more symptoms that interfere with daily activities, leading to back ache for extended periods and sometimes leading to the Menopause itself.

More than half (54%) of individuals participate in yoga to relieve tension. Furthermore, 52% use it to build both physical and mental strength – 43% reported increased happiness as a result!

“Yoga can serve many functions; 27% of participants use it for “me-time”, 21% to combat loneliness and 20% as an effective digital detox method.”

“Increasing mobility and flexibility is at the center of yoga’s appeal; providing practitioners with an all-around holistic approach to physical wellbeing.”

“Notably in 2012, nearly 60% of individuals who began practicing yoga reported becoming more motivated to exercise; 40% also demonstrated healthier eating practices after embarking on this ancient tradition.”

Yoga offers numerous health and wellbeing advantages: 54% reported stress relief from practicing, physical/mental strength for 52%, heightened happiness for 43%; additionaly 27% sought personal’me’ time while 21% combat loneliness while 20% sought an escape from technology.”

Feel free to select the presentation that meets your individual needs or combine elements from different options in order to build it yourself.


(Source : zippia)

Fascinating Yoga Industry Stats [2023]: Trends & Earnings

Yoga, an ancient ancient practice for physical and mental wellness, has emerged as a global trend over the past decades. Today in 2023, its US industry thrives under millions of enthusiasts contributing to its expansion. This article offers insight into its present state and prospects of expansion.

Yoga Enthusiasts in the US

  • Yoga has gained wide appeal among Americans seeking physical and psychological balance. Over 36 million Americans now practice regular yoga practice.
  • American yoga enthusiasts typically spend about $1,080 annually in classes, workshops, and equipment; reflecting both their dedication to yoga as well as its economic value.

Yoga and Pilates Studios

The United States boasts 48,547 studios offering yoga and pilates services nationwide – attesting to their immense accessibility for Americans of all ages and ability.

Industry Revenue

Yoga industry revenue in the U.S. stands at $9.09 billion annually – making it one of the leading players in wellness and fitness industries.

Growth Prospects

The yoga industry is expected to experience steady expansion between 2021-2027 at an anticipated compound annual growth rate of 9.6% compound annual compound annual rate; this predictability demonstrates its enduring appeal and expansion potential within this field, making it an attractive target for investment and innovation.

(Source : zippia)

Number of U.S. Pilates and Yoga Studios Over Time

(Source : zippia)

Global Yoga Enthusiasts

  • Over 300 million people around the globe practice yoga regularly, attesting to its universal appeal and positive impacts on individuals from every background around the globe.

Trends and Predictions in the Yoga Industry

  • Yoga’s popularity continues to surge across Western nations like the US. Numerous trends and projections are shaping its future:
  • The global yoga market is expected to reach a valuation of $215 billion by 2025 and boast an expected compound annual growth rate from 2021-2027 of 9.6% compound annually – signalling its lasting appeal and expansion potential in this field of medicine.
  • Though North America holds a majority share, Asia-Pacific market is projected to experience exponential growth with an expected compound annual compound average annual growth rate of 10.8% during this time. This shift reinforces yoga’s universal appeal.
  • In 2020, the U.S. pilates and yoga studio market reached $12.82 billion, showing continued resilience for this sector of industry.
  • Yoga and pilates studios in the U.S. have experienced significant growth over time; from 32,354 in 2017 to 48,547 by 2023; an annualized growth rate of 4.6% was experienced between these dates reaffirming yoga facilities’ widening accessibility for wider populations.
  • Yoga practice among American adults has seen an astounding upsurge from 9.5% in 2012 to 14.3% by 2017 as more individuals adopt it as part of a wellness regimen.
  • The online yoga class sector is anticipated to experience tremendous expansion between 2021-2027, at an anticipated compound annual growth rate of 12.3% compound annual compound annual rate due to increased adoption during COVID-19 pandemic outbreak.

(Source : zippia)

Yoga Demographics

Gender: Women are significantly more likely to practice yoga than men; for instance in the US alone 72% of yoga practitioners are women while 28% are male practitioners.

Age: Yoga is most prevalent among individuals between 18-49. In the U.S. alone, 38% of yoga practitioners aged 18-29 practice regularly while 43% belong to that demographic age range, leaving 19% aged 50 years or above on their practice mats.

Race and Ethnicity: Yoga can be practiced by individuals of various races and ethnicities; for instance in the US 77% are white while 10% Hispanic or Latino, 8% Asian, and 3% black or African American practitioners practice yoga regularly.

Income: Yoga can be practiced by individuals of varying economic statuses. In the U.S. alone, 12-13% of yoga practitioners make an income below $19,999 annually while 37-94% earn between $20k – $75K and 51-94% have over $75K annual earnings respectively.

Education: Yoga can be practiced by individuals from varying education backgrounds. In the U.S. alone, for instance, 12% of yoga practitioners possess only high school degrees while 50% possess some college education while 38% hold at least a bachelor’s degree or greater.


(Source : zippia)

Top Countries

Top yoga Countries

(Source : Yogabasics)

Yoga Gaining Popularity in the US

California is widely recognized as being an influential center of yoga and pilates practice within the US, boasting 48,547 studios nationwide according to available data – more than any other state! California stands out as having an unusually large concentration of these facilities due to its diverse population, health-conscious culture, emphasis on fitness and wellness programs as well as idyllic weather and scenic locales that lend themselves perfectly for outdoor as well as studio-based practice of these practices.


(Source : zippia)

Yogis Do Yoga

Yoga practice can be practiced in numerous locations its practitioners can engage in it regardless of setting. Here are a few highlights into where yogis usually do yoga:

At Home: Yoga practitioners prefer practicing at home for multiple reasons – 67% choose this practice method due to its convenience, offering greater scheduling freedom as well as comforting surroundings.

Gyms: Yoga classes offered within gyms have become incredibly popular with 43% of practitioners opting for this setting. Gyms provide various fitness classes including yoga that make this form of practice accessible for members who already hold memberships with them.

Yoga Studios: Although yoga studios may not be the primary location for practicing, 38% of practitioners still choose them as part of their yoga experience. Studios provide an ideal, dedicated space in which to practice.

Outdoor Practice: 32% of yoga enthusiasts prefer practicing outdoors in nature settings such as parks and beaches for practice – creating an opportunity to connect with nature while creating an exclusive practice atmosphere.

Wellness Festivals: Wellness festivals that feature yoga sessions and other holistic activities draw in 20% of practitioners, who appreciate their communal nature and celebratory atmosphere.


(Source : zippia)

Recent Developments

  • Down Dog Launches New Yoga App in 2023: Down Dog is an established yoga app which recently released their highly anticipated high intensity interval training (HIIT) app called Down Dog HIIT to provide workouts combining yoga, Pilates and cardio exercises into high intensity interval workouts (HIIT).
  • Alo Moves Expands into New Markets in 2022: Alo Moves is another popular yoga app which expanded its service into several new markets including Australia, New Zealand and Canada during 2022, making the program more easily available worldwide. This makes Alo Moves even more accessible.
  • Glo Expands Offerings in 2022: Glo, another popular yoga app, expanded their offering this year by including beginner, prenatal yoga and restorative yoga classes for beginners as well as classes designed specifically to address different levels and needs of practitioners. With these additions Glo’s offerings have become more inclusive and accessible.
  • Peloton Launches New Yoga Program 2022: Peloton is an established fitness company which in 2022 launched an exciting new yoga program offering both live and on-demand yoga classes from an assortment of instructors – making Peloton the one-stop shop for fitness enthusiasts who wish to incorporate this practice into their routines.

In Conclusion:

Yoga has experienced meteoric growth over the past few decades, evolving from an ancient spiritual tradition to a thriving global industry valued at over $200 billion. With hundreds of millions of practitioners worldwide and steady expansion anticipated, yoga is poised to continue flourishing as individuals increasingly prioritize holistic wellness. Though the United States remains yoga’s largest market, growth prospects throughout Asia-Pacific region present exciting opportunities abroad. As more studios, gyms, and online classes expand accessibility, yoga proves itself a versatile practice that can adapt to serve people across demographics, locations, and budgets. With its myriad physical and mental health benefits, yoga delivers an all-encompassing approach to fitness, relaxation, and inner balance that will only grow more relevant in today’s stressful modern world.

How many people practice yoga globally?
Over 300 million people worldwide practice yoga regularly.
What is the current estimated value of the global yoga industry?

The global yoga industry was valued at approximately $95.8 billion in 2022.

Which demographic is most likely to practice yoga?
Women between the ages of 18-49 are the most likely yoga practitioners.
Where do most people practice yoga?
67% of yogis report practicing yoga at home due to its convenience.
What are some of the benefits of yoga?
Yoga improves flexibility, strength, balance, cardiovascular health, immunity, sleep quality, and reduces stress, anxiety, and depression.
What is the predicted growth rate for the yoga industry?

The global yoga market is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 9.6% between 2022-2032.

Which region is expected to see the most yoga industry growth?
The Asia-Pacific region is projected to experience exponential 10.8% CAGR yoga market growth through 2027.


Yogesh Shinde is a passionate writer, researcher, and content creator with a keen interest in technology, innovation and industry research. With a background in computer engineering and years of experience in the tech industry. He is committed to delivering accurate and well-researched articles that resonate with readers and provide valuable insights. When not writing, I enjoy reading and can often be found exploring new teaching methods and strategies.