Last Updated: Oct 16, 2023



Coffee is a beverage prepared from roasted coffee beans. Dark in hue and slightly bitter in taste, coffee provides humans with stimulation due to its caffeine content; coffee currently holds the highest global sales position among hot drinks.

Coffee beans are the seeds from certain Coffea species berries that turn from green to bright red in color when ripe–indicating harvest–indicating they should be collected, processed and dried before being roasted to desired degrees for roasting before finally ground and brewed using nearly boiling water to produce what we know today as coffee beverages.

Coffee Can Be Enjoyed Hot or Cold and Prepared Using Numerous Methods Including:

  • Drip coffee: Drip is the most commonly-used method of coffee brewing, in which hot water is slowly poured over ground coffee beans inside a filter.
  • Espresso: Espresso coffee is made by forcing hot water through finely ground coffee beans using pressure.
  • French Press: French press is a method for making coffee that involves steeping ground beans for several minutes in hot water before filtering and serving to the consumer.
  • Cold Brew Coffee Brewing Method: Cold brew is an approach to coffee brewing that involves steeping ground coffee beans for 12-24 hours in cold water before extracting.

Coffee can be enjoyed black, with milk, sugar, cream or any combination thereof, or used to craft various coffee-based beverages like lattes, cappuccinos or mochas.

Coffee is an indispensable beverage that’s enjoyed around the globe and by people of all ages, from children to senior citizens. Coffee often forms part of social gatherings such as family get-togethers or business meetings; its widespread appeal also makes it ideal for business meetings or any social events where beverages such as this one might be served up!

Coffee consumption has long been associated with health benefits beyond its stimulating properties; such as reduced risk for type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s. Coffee has also been proven to enhance mood and cognitive functioning.

However, it should be remembered that coffee contains caffeine which has stimulant-like properties; too much caffeine consumption may lead to anxiety, insomnia and headaches; thus it should only be consumed moderately.

Coffee Market Size 

The Coffee Market size is anticipated to reach approximately USD 131.0 Bn by 2032 compared to around USD 84.4 Bn in 2022. This is increasing at a rate of CAGR 4.6% over the period between 2023 to 2032.

coffee-market Size


  • As of 2023, global coffee sales had generated nearly $83.3 billion worldwide and are projected to see growth of 4.61 % annually through 2028.

How Does Money Arise:

  • In 2023, the United States made approximately $11 billion from coffee sales; that works out to an average daily coffee expenditure per person of roughly 11.50 dollars per year.

How Much Coffee We Consume:

  • By 2028, global consumption will total about 6.8 billion kilograms; 2024 may witness an upsurge by 2.4%.

Average Coffee Consumption by Individual:

  • Each individual in 2023 will likely drink an estimated 0.80 kg of coffee on average.
(Source :statista)

Editor’s Choice

  • Coffee Shops: As of 2022, approximately 38,411 coffee shops existed within the USA.
    Coffee Shop Customers in the USA: 32% of people who enjoy drinking coffee regularly frequent coffee shops once or three times each week, according to surveys by Nielsen and Mintel.
  • Market Growth: It is anticipated that the coffee market in the USA will experience growth of approximately 5.14 % between 2023-2025.
  • Coffee Lovers who Also Like Eating Cake: More than 50% of American coffee enthusiasts also appreciate eating coffee cake, representing 55% of total enthusiasts.

Daily Coffee Consumption in the USA: On average, people in this country drink an estimated three cups of coffee daily.

Revenue Projections: By 2025, revenue projections indicate that money generated from selling roasted coffee in the USA could reach $66.6 billion.

(Source : Enterpriseappstoday)

Top 5 Coffee Exporting Countries in 2023


  • Collectively, these five countries account for more than 80% of coffee exports around the globe.
  • Brazil is the leading producer and exporter of coffee worldwide, accounting for almost one-third of production. Vietnam ranks second globally as an exporter followed by Colombia, Indonesia and Ethiopia.
  • These countries play a crucial role in the global coffee industry, providing coffee to customers around the globe and producing billions of dollars worth of export revenue and supporting millions of jobs through coffee exports.

Top 5 Coffee Importers Countries in 2023


  • These five countries account for more than 50% of world coffee imports combined.
  • The United States is the world’s top coffee importer, representing almost one fifth of total worldwide imports. Germany follows in second place for importation before Italy Japan and France make up this list.
  • These countries boast strong coffee cultures and demand, generating billions in import revenue while supporting millions of jobs worldwide within the global coffee industry.
  • The average American drinks around 3 cups of coffee per day. In the US, around 150 million Americans drink coffee every day.


Here are a few facts from 2023 regarding the coffee industry:

  • Coffee is the second-most-traded commodity worldwide, behind crude oil.
  • Over 25 million farmers worldwide participate in coffee production.
  • Coffee production spans over 50 countries worldwide, though much of it takes place in Latin America, Africa and Asia.
  • United States of America remains the world’s top importer of coffee, trailed closely by Germany, Italy, Japan and France.

Here are a few other interesting facts about the coffee industry:

  • Coffee is the second-most-popular drink after water in terms of global popularity.
  • Coffee may have its origins in Ethiopia over a millennia ago.
  • Coffee first made its debut in Europe during the 17th century and quickly rose in popularity.
  • Boston was home to the very first coffee house ever established in America in 1670.

Coffee Statistics

Coffee has long been part of many cultures. We conducted an in-depth survey with 1,500+ individuals to uncover fascinating coffee habits and preferences.

Daily Coffee Habits:

  • 74% of American adults consume coffee each and every day.
  • 18% drink coffee every day while another 8% have it occasionally.
  • Retirees are more likely than any other age group to consume coffee daily; an astonishing 8 out of every 10 of these senior citizens enjoy at least one cup each day.

Coffee Consumption Trends:

  • 49% of individuals limit their coffee intake to 3-5 cups daily.
  • 31% of coffee drinkers prefer both drip coffee and Keurig cups for consumption.
  • 41% of individuals prefer their coffee black.
  • 48% use regular coffee creamers while 34% opt for zero-calorie sweeteners such as Stevia for their beverage needs.

Roast Preferences:

  • 49% prefer medium roast coffee, 28% dark roast and 12% light roast; only 11% have no preference whatsoever for any particular roast variety.

Decaf Vs Regular Coffee:

  • 68% of people do not consume decaffeinated coffee regularly or at all.
  • 18% only consume decaf coffee and another 17% switch between 12 PM and 4 PM.

Coffee Spending Trends:

  • 31% of consumers spend between $11 and $20 monthly on home brewed coffee to drink on an ongoing basis.
  • 32% purchase coffee from a coffee shop one to three days per week, spending $20 or less monthly.
  • 11% of people spend over $40 every month on coffee purchases.

Health Benefits of Coffee Consumption:

  • 56% of American’s believe that drinking coffee can have positive health implications, with 51% believing its consumption to improve their physical wellbeing and an additional 13% believing its antioxidant qualities provide extra health advantages.
  • Studies suggest that regular coffee consumption could lower your risk of death and strokes.

(Source : Driveresearch)

Type of Coffee

Types oF coffee


Stats on UK coffee consumption by 2023.

  • According to estimates by the British Coffee Association, Britain consumed an estimated daily average consumption of coffee of 98 million cups during 2023 – this number had increased significantly compared to 2018 (where 95 million cups per day were consumed).
  • A rise in coffee consumption in the UK can be attributed to several factors, including an increasing popularity of specialty coffee shops, greater availability of different kinds of coffee products and adapting lifestyles of consumers.
  • Coffee has overtaken tea as the nation’s preferred drink since 2022; an unprecedented shift as tea had long been its national beverage.
  • Coffee’s increasing popularity in the UK is good news for both the coffee industry and overall economy. Employing over 210,000 workers nationwide and contributing an estimated PS9.1 billion each year to economic activity – this growth should only continue.
  • Average UK residents consume 2 cups of coffee daily while those living in the US tend to drink at least 3.
  • Over 80% of UK households consume instant coffee at home: mostly among people aged 65+; though more and more millennials have taken to single-serve pods as an option for drinking their caffeine fix at home.
  • At least 80% of coffee shop lovers visit at least once weekly; approximately one sixth (1/6) visit daily.
  • Coffee is the world’s second most-consumed beverage: Indeed, second only to water with over 400 billion cups consumed annually worldwide.
  • Mature coffee plants produce about 5 pounds of green coffee beans annually: after roasting, that amount shrinks down to less than one pound!
  • Coffee plants may live for as many as 100 years with proper care: On average they last 40-50 years but under rare circumstances could reach 100!
  • Brazil exports over 5 Billion Pounds of Coffee Annually: Brazil is currently the world’s leading coffee exporter and used to dominate even further during its golden era of coffee exporting during the 1920s.
  • 90% of global coffee production occurs in developing nations: for over 25 million farming families worldwide, coffee represents not just an agricultural commodity but rather their way of life.
  • Finland tops the global coffee consumption per person rankings: Britain came 44th – impressive considering how small its population is!

According to a 2023 survey by Batch Coffee, Average Daily Coffee Consumption by Generation in 2023 in the UK

Under 20 : 0.5 cups
Millennials (20-37): 1.3 cups
Generation X (38-52): 2.1 cups
Baby Boomers (53-71): 2.2 cups
Traditionalists (72+): 2.2 cups

Recent statistics on coffee consumption in the UK for 2023:

  • Average UK adults consume 1.02kg of coffee annually.
  • Home coffee consumption accounts for 65-75% of UK total.
  • Men tend to drink more coffee than female consumers.
  • Morning coffee typically arrives around 9 AM.
  • 73% of home-brewed coffee preparation involves instant.
  • NESCAFE instant coffee is one of the best-known instant brands available to British customers.

Notable data points include:

  • Body is only capable of processing 300mg caffeine at one time; any excess is simply flushed from our systems via urine and sweat glands.
  • 1/3 of UK adults do not consume coffee at all.
  • There are nearly 26,000 coffee outlets located throughout the UK.

(Data sources: Statista, British Coffee Association, Batch Coffee, NESCAFÉ)

Recent Development

  • In 2023, Starbucks Partnered with Microsoft to develop a new AI-powered coffee machine that can customize drinks to each customer’s preferences
  • In 2023, Nespresso Released a new line of coffee capsules that are made from recycled aluminum
  • In 2023,Blue Bottle Coffee Launched a new line of canned coffee that is available in retail stores nationwide
  • In 2023, Bellwether Coffee Created a new type of coffee bean that is more resistant to pests and diseases, and produces more coffee per acre
  • In 2022, Atomo Coffee Developed a new brewing technology that uses nitrogen to infuse coffee with more flavor and aroma


Coffee is a hugely popular beverage worldwide, with billions of cups consumed daily. The coffee industry generates over $80 billion in revenue annually and provides livelihoods for over 25 million farmers globally. While historically more of a European drink, coffee consumption has exploded in the United States and UK in recent decades. The average American now drinks 3 cups of coffee per day. In the UK, daily coffee consumption averages 2 cups per person, having overtaken tea as the nation’s preferred hot beverage. With specialty coffee shops and new preparation methods growing in popularity, global coffee consumption is projected to keep rising in the years ahead.

How many cups of coffee does the average American drink per day?
The average American drinks about 3 cups of coffee per day.
What country drinks the most coffee per capita?
Finland has the highest coffee consumption per capita, followed by Norway, Iceland, Denmark, and the Netherlands.
How many coffee shops are there in the UK?
There are nearly 26,000 coffee shops located throughout the UK.
What percentage of UK adults drink coffee daily?
Approximately 74% of UK adults consume coffee every day.
What country exports the most coffee worldwide?
Brazil is the leading coffee exporting country, accounting for over 30% of global exports.
When did coffee first appear in Europe?
Coffee first arrived in Europe during the 17th century before quickly gaining popularity.
How many coffee farmers are there worldwide?
Coffee production supports the livelihoods of over 25 million farmers globally.
How much does the average American spend on coffee per month?
31% of American coffee drinkers report spending between $11-$20 per month on coffee. 11% spend over $40 per month.


Yogesh Shinde is a passionate writer, researcher, and content creator with a keen interest in technology, innovation and industry research. With a background in computer engineering and years of experience in the tech industry. He is committed to delivering accurate and well-researched articles that resonate with readers and provide valuable insights. When not writing, I enjoy reading and can often be found exploring new teaching methods and strategies.