Telegram was repeatedly seen performing its working at a premium rank over the last two months. It was also in preparation to end its “free forever” offer. No ads. No subscription fees. In preparation for this, we created a tagline. Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, made Telegram Premium officially. He did not specify its monthly subscription price nor what it offered. Telegram now has the plan which is premium, and it is announcing that it will have 700 million monthly active subscribers.
The telegram stated that the subscribers that are premium and their contributions will help improve and grow the app for many decades to follow. Telegram will still be free, not dependent, and lift up the users-first values. Telegram is changing the way a tech firm should operate. This move will not change any of the paid features. Instead, it is improving many of the free features and bundling them into a paid tier. Below is a listing of all the new Telegram Prime features.
4GB Uploads: It has allowed file uploads of up 2GB using its platform. Premium users have the option to increase this limit to 4GB. The files which are large can also be taken from the website from the free tier.
Telegram Premium subscribers will experience faster download speeds. This is a great addition considering the slow download speeds on the platform.
Telegram Premium gives you the ability to follow up on 1000 channels instead of 500 with the free version. Similar features include the ability to pin up a maximum of 10 chats, reserve up to 20 publicly links, quick access to more than 400 favorite GIFs, as well as the ability to save up to ten stickers, all this while double the limit on the non-paid tier.
Subscribers can create longer bios or profile pictures that are animated. They can also add links. Premium users can have animated profile videos that animate within the chat window and in the discussion list.
Transcribe voice message to the text
Telegram makes it easier to manage your chats. Telegram can now open a new folder that holds the conversations that are your favorite. The users that are premium can archive new conversations and put them automatically.
Telegram Premium:
It lets you give your opinion freely better by giving access to those exclusive stickers with full-screen animations. There are also more than ten new reactions. The stickers will change monthly.
No ads for premium users: Premium users will receive a badge that is not common but special and access icons to premium apps. Public channels will not show any ads.
Telegram has not mentioned pricing in its announcement. Instead, it only mentions features that Telegram offers on its premium tier. The pricing can vary depending on your location. Some users may see prices as low as $3.99, while others are seeing prices between $5 and $6. India users pay Rs.460 per month ($6) which is quite high. This is substantially more than WhatsApp’s previous $1 per-year plan. Telegram, however, offers much more features. We reached out directly to the company to obtain more information on pricing.
Telegram has also made improvements available to those who are not willing to pay. If you manage a public messaging group, you can enable “join requests” so admins can approve members who are new before they join. Public figures or enterprises can check their group, channel, or bot, and get a badge. This will let you confirm quickly that messages are from a trusted source.
Users of Android will be able to view chat previews as they see in the iOS version. By long-pressing on a chat, you can preview the message content and not have to mark it to be read. The option that says ‘Save to Gallery, which allows you to specify the settings per chat and channel by group, has been reintroduced in the Android App.
iPhone users can use a progress indicator that is animated to show large files that are being shared. It will also give you a way better than before about the progress that is overall. Telegram can be used on Mac to create a profile picture that is animated. Other magnifications include better audio and visual quality for Android users in voice and text messages, smoother 120fps animations for iPhones/iPads, and many other fixes to squash bugs.
Telegram v8.8 incorporates the changes required. It is possible that the update won’t appear immediately in your Play Store because it is rolling out slowly.
Devoted my whole life to words - reading, writing and trying to be original on social media. Got certified in digital marketing - still not cool enough to be an influencer. Finished a master’s degree focused in Literature, Publishing, Mass Media. Hobbies include traveling, reading and hoping that yoga will be the thing to finally teach me some patience. Would like to take over the world at some point, but that’s an optional dream. Maybe modern tech can help me do that?