Last Updated: May 06, 2022

Nintendo Switch Sports is back with the motion-controlled sporty fun of Nintendo’s watershed videogame, Wii Sports. But, the return of in living-room tennis and bowling is not without a curse.

It feels like we are back in the 2000s. Cropped cardsigans are making an appearance, Biden still occupies the White House, while Switch Sports is a Wii Sports resuscitation. The uncanny nostalgia is so strong that Nintendo’s quirky simulator for sports are seeing their players throw their controllers at their TVs, smashing them.

Nintendo Switch Sports includes a number of mini-games including tennis, soccer, and bowling. Critics describe it as a solid return from the company’s remote control classic, which will likely continue ruining friendships. Like the Wii Sports before it, you can use your wireless remote’s motion controls for play. This usually means you need to get up and take part in the game. Like Wii Sports and Wii Sports users are out using Joy-Con wireless controllers to throw remotes right at their TVs in the middle of games. The result? A busted display.

Wii Sports was first released in 2006. It is well-known for turning the game-avoidant into a hardcore player. Numerous octogenarians enjoyed their first Nintendo game with Wii Sports. They were able to enjoy the simple and intuitive Wii Remote, allowing them to feel the thrill of virtual bowling. Wii Sports also became famous for another reason. Wii Remotes were used to whip players so hard that the LCD panels would crackle and become unintentional digital art.

Many years later, the Wii would still be a household name, despite its warning screens telling users to avoid the remote’s strap. Hollywood has made flying Wii Remotes into a joke with 2009’s Alvin and the Chipmunks.

A few days ago, Nintendo Switch Sports released. Now the threat of tampered TVs and monitors has returned. There were at most two reports this weekend that Joy-Con controllers were let fly by players, threatening to endanger the lives of a pair excellent screens.

On Reddit, one Nintendo Switch owner named Roman confessed to shattering a TV screen while playing Nintendo Switch Sports’ chambara mode, a sword fighting-meets-American Gladiators jousting sport.

Roman’s immediate reaction, that he said to Roman’s words, was to turn off the TV, then turn it on again in the hope of healing the very visible wound.

On Twitch Streamer 63man showed his viewers just how fast a Joy-Con could do to a monitor. 63man stated he was playing Nintendo Switch Sports, and threw his control at the screen. In a YouTube upload, 63man claimed that his monitor was now “broken”. It was fun, though

Many Nintendo fan saw the new wave screen destruction, Nintendo Switch Sports being a certain thing. Reddit user Mykeprime posted a response to Roman’s Reddit comment about his broken TV. Another replied, saying “This is the content which I’ve waited for.”

Nintendo had anticipated the return and success of the flying controller. The company created warnings in Nintendo Switch Sports urging players to ensure that the wrist strap accessory is secured to their Joy-Cons prior to playing. What number of Switch owners will do this? How many even remember where the accessories are? Mine, never used since launch of the Switch in 2017, are still in their original plastic bags.

How many of these incidents are real in 2022 and how many will they be made up by Switch owners who want to be viral or get a lot of attention? Joy-Cons blowing up screens requires that we remain vigilant and skeptical. While some stories are true tales, we cannot take an irreparably damaged screen as gospel.

Furthermore, it is essential that everyone use their wrist straps to play Nintendo Switch Sports. It’s better not to be sorry than safe. To make sure you don’t lose your Joy-Con strap again, you can always order a replacement Joy Con strap from Nintendo.

Despite the numerous unfortunate incidents, Nintendo Switch Sports is enjoying some success worldwide. According to GamesIndustry.Biz , this game topped the UK’s boxed charts. It’s absurd that TVs seem to be getting destroyed just like sales figures.

Nintendo’s disclosures about the horrible working conditions of Joy-Con repair technicians and contractors made national headlines. Now is not the time to throw these controllers against the wall.

This is not new, especially if your were there 16 years ago for the Wii Sports hype. It was so common for people to ignore Nintendo’s instructions, believing that they were above the wrist bracelet, that injuries and TVs being broken became main stream news. Don’t let this happen again. You should pay attention to the warnings. Wear the wrist straps.

Every gaming company always gives instructions regarding the usage, dos and dont’s . Gamers are expected to go through these instructions so that they can enjoy playing games seamlessly.


Devoted my whole life to words - reading, writing and trying to be original on social media. Got certified in digital marketing - still not cool enough to be an influencer. Finished a master’s degree focused in Literature, Publishing, Mass Media. Hobbies include traveling, reading and hoping that yoga will be the thing to finally teach me some patience. Would like to take over the world at some point, but that’s an optional dream. Maybe modern tech can help me do that?